Spicy Seafood Pot

The combination of white fish, mussels, and smoked sausages go into this spicy seafood pot, cooked with rice, tomatoes, and a tasty spice mix that makes a mouthwatering treat. This is a truly satisfying and filling meal.
Serves 6-8
- 12 mussels
- 1 big fillet firm white fish, chopped into chunks
- 300g rice (parboiled works a treat)
- 1 punnet baby tomatoes
- 2 chillies, chopped
- 1 tin tomatoes
- 2 cups chicken stock
- 1 big onion, chopped
- 4 cloves garlic, crushed
- 3 T Dax’s Special Spice Mix (see recipe below)
- 1 lemon
- 1 T sugar
- 2 smoked sausages, sliced
- Fresh oregano
- Olive oil for cooking
Prepare and light your Cobb Cooker with 1 CobbleStone [see fuel].
Place the Frying Dish and the Dome Cover on your Cobb Cooker and let it heat up for at least 5 minutes. Sauté the onion and garlic for 10 minutes until soft with the Dome Cover on. Add the chilli and Dax’s Special Spice Mix and fry for a few minutes until fragrant. Add the rice and sauté for 5 minutes, add 1 cup of stock, the tinned tomatoes and the sugar. Close the Dome Cover and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. Check after 10 minutes and if it looks dry, add more stock as needed to create quite a wet rice.
Then add the sausages, baby tomatoes, 1 T fresh oregano, mussels and fish and close the lid again. Allow to simmer for 15-20 minutes and season well, adding a good squeeze of lemon juice to taste. Serve with fresh oregano and lemon wedges.
PLEASE NOTE: The Cobb Supreme does not come with a Frying Dish accessory and therefore you will not be able to make this dish.
FUEL: Cobb Compact - 1 CobbleStone | Cobb Premier - 1 CobbleStone or 10 briquettes | Cobb Premier Gas - Medium to maximum heat.
[Dax’s Special Spice Mix]
- 2 T smoked paprika
- 1 T regular paprika
- 1 T dried oregano
- 1 T fennel seeds
- 1 t coriander seeds
- 1 t ground black pepper
- 1 t garlic salt
Grind the dried spices together in a pestle and mortar. You can store this in an airtight container for up to 3 months.